Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ontario Court on Marijuana Laws

        The Ontario Superior Court Justice Donald Taliano finds that the medical regulations for marijuana is invalid. The problem is that marijuana users may use it more than their medical prescription. "Rather than promote health – the regulations have the opposite effect. Rather than promote effective drug control – the regulations drive the critically ill to the black market," he wrote. Matthew Mernagh has suffered from several illnesses and marijuana was the most effective treatment for his pain but no doctor supported his case so he was later charged of producing drugs by growing his own cannabis. The medical program for marijuana has been boycotted because there is not enough training on how to prescribe the drug.

      Marijuana is a drug that can get people high and can be used for medical purposes. Already in Canada it is illegal but what Canada should do is initiate seminars for marijuana use and study it more efficiently. If this is something people feel can really aide an illness or disease than legalizing it in hospitals could lead to more discoveries. This is how the world started by finding new ways to help people and maybe this is a key to something new. With seminars there can be ways to teach how to prescribe the drug and if it is not so known then it is worth experimenting because the final result is, it helps; there is no failure; it is kind of like trying a new type of surgery ,based on intense research. Marijuana should be used by doctors way more often and  just for health purposes and still keeping it illegal to communities because it is a drug. Doctors should start recognizing the importance and supporting it.

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